About Coaching

My approach to coaching is founded on trust, connection and direct and empathetic communication. I partner with my clients to add action to awareness in order to break down the barriers that have historically gotten in their way. I am supportive while holding clients accountable – empowering their choices and standing for what they say they want – in areas ranging from career and leadership to relationships and life transitions.

1:1 Leadership Coaching

This offering is for people who are ready to step into their leadership with intention.
  • 6-month agreement to begin
  • 4 private, 60-minute sessions per month
  • Space to explore options and possibilities
  • Direct, honest and empathetic feedback
  • Powerful questions to evoke self-awareness and provide clarity
  • Partnership in creating project designs and action plans
  • Accountability to support you in moving forward
  • Reminders to celebrate your wins – both big and small
  • Email, text and phone support between sessions when needed

Group Coaching

Facilitated group sessions focused on topics ranging from navigating transitions, difficult conversations, clarity on personal values, and setting boundaries, to self-care. 

Let’s connect to see how a group container can support you.

Positive Intelligence® Program

Build powerful habits for a positive mind. Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mindset requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. And that’s what the PQ program design empowers you to do.
  • Online Saboteur assessment
  • 6-week foundation program delivered in the PQ app, includes:
    • Daily practice: 15 minutes/day of app-guided practice video content
    • Weekly focus: Weekly hour-long video content
    • 2 private, 60-minute coaching sessions

Pro Bono Leadership Coaching

Working with a coach can often be seen as a privilege that is out of reach to individuals without the financial resources. I am committed to offering pro bono, or low cost, coaching to individuals from marginalized communities and/or non-profit leaders advancing social justice. 

To be added to the waitlist, please send me an email